Thursday 25 October 2012

It's an idea.

A boring mouse of a girl, an overachiever with more dull brain than interesting person, finding a way to become interesting and creating an untreatable mythology about it.  A licence to misbehave and be appalling whilst always, always expecting other people to crawl back. 

An idea indeed.

Monday 15 October 2012



The realisation, mid-conversation, that you have been thoroughly manipulated by a master.  You are little more than a piece in the game, though you've made many moves you thought your own.  The moment when you realise that your worse nature has been used to achieve someone else's objective. 

They have realised your failings; the propensity to gossip and not to cope alone.  These have been noted and considered and used.  The fear is not that this one person has noted these things but that all people have noted these things.


The moment, mid-conversation, where you find that your preferred outcome has been achieved and that you are pleased.  This closely follows the realisation that the person you are speaking with thinks they have manipulated you.  You have been so very subtle, just a comment here and there.

It is the moment you ponder the ruthlessness of your subconscious in attaining your desires.  Just how you set people up and how often and the wily ways you get your way.  This is when you do not fear exposure but yourself.

It's time...

...I had a diary again.  Oh, wouldn't you agree?